Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Are electronic contributions risky?

No. An electronic contribution is safer than writing a check, and it can't be lost, stolen or destroyed in the mail. Strict national rules and guidelines govern all Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) transactions. Over four billion EFT transactions are processed annually in the United States.

Q: How can funds be withdrawn directly from my account?

Only with your authorization via your electronic signature. No one can deduct money from your account automatically unless you specifically authorize it.

Q: When would this automatic contribution be taken from my account?

On the signup screen, you can specify whether you want your contribution made one time, weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, monthly or as designated. When the date you have selected falls on a weekend or holiday, the transaction will occur the next business day.

Q: Can I try out the service by giving one time?

Yes. You can select "One Time" in the frequency drop down box in the signup process. You will see how easy and efficient the process really is.

Q: How can I keep a record of the amount I have contributed?

Your bank statement will include an itemized list of automatic gifts given from your account. We will continue to provide you with a personal quarterly giving statement for your tax records.

Q: What if I change banks or accounts or want to change the amount of my contribution?

You can change your giving choices at any time through the "Online Giving" page accessed through the St. Stephen UMC home web page. Simply click on the link - Change or Cancel your recurring donation - then enter your email and password.

Q: Is there a charge to me from my bank to give online?

No. Electronic funds transfers carry no bank fees.

Q: Whom do I contact if I have more questions concerning online giving?

Please contact Clair Matevie at We will be glad to answer any other questions you may have.