1901 Herbert Spaugh Lane, Room D32
Charlotte, NC 28208
The Site Coordinator is the first line of contact for any questions regarding payments or refunds. Your Site Coordinator has access to your payment history and keeps track of all payments to ensure they are kept up to date. If your account is past due you will receive a written notice from your Site Coordinator. The written notice will include the weekly and late fee amounts owed. You may contact your Site Coordinator daily at the school for any questions or concerns. If you need assistance with account setup, password reset, or error messages contact Unity FI Solutions at 704-329-0125.
Returned Checks
Unity FI Solutions will present your electronic check to the bank for payment up to a total
of 3 times before turning it over to a collection agency. If sufficient funds are not available to
cover the initial electronic check transaction, two additional re-attempts will be tried. If
funds are still not available after three attempts, the item is considered Fatal and will be
turned over to an agency for collection. By presenting your check, you authorize us to draw
from your account, the amount of the unpaid check, return fee(s) and any electronic funds
transfer(s) costs. If your payment is currently being blocked, you may have a Returned Check.
See FAQ Section: 'ACH Payment Blocked: …' for more information.
Tax Information
You will receive tax information from your Site Coordinator on or before the last
working day in January. It is advisable to also save your receipts for tax purposes.
If you choose to elect the recurring payment option on Unity FI Solutions you will be able
to view your transaction history for tax information as well.